What "Social Artificial Intelligence" means for marketers
Artificial Intelligence is already well-established in the world of targeted advertising and recommendations. But Artificial Intelligence is also rapidly evolving on social media as a way to help brands quickly and efficiently discover, engage, and learn from their followers. Although there is no one definition for it, we can summarize Social Artificial Intelligence, SAI (not Sai Baba!) as a form of collecting and sifting through customer history, user-generated content, and data from social media channels to generate more relevant content and as a result, a more meaningful experience for followers. Social AI has the ability to provide a better social experience overall. For an example of what SAI can do, we just have to look at Facebook. The social network has already incorporated artificial intelligence as part of the platform in many innovative ways. From automatic face tagging to the stories that appear in News Feeds, Facebook has been at the forefront of what AI can do fo