5 ways United Airlines lacked Emotional Intelligence in the leggings debacle

Everyone was talking about it. United seems not to have thought enough about it Two young girls, traveling on so-called "Pass Rider" friends-and-family tickets - and reportedly wearing leggings - were stopped from boarding a United flight from Denver to Minneapolis, while a third happened to have a dress with her to cover up her leggings. All this while, their dad apparently wore shorts, which were deemed just fine. One of the girls was said to be only 10 years old. Twitter roared with disbelief, especially when United's Twitter account reacted with cold quotes from a rule book. How could United behave this way, and why? Here are the five ways United showed a considerable lack of emotional savvy: 1. When you're enforcing rules, think about how you enforce them United claims that the leggings rule is in place because anyone flying on these special tickets has to follow the company's dress code, as they are deemed to be representing the air...